No último sábado, 18/06, a Akelá nos mostrou como arrumar a mochila de forma prática e segura para um acampamento ou acantonamento.
Material básico:
- Material para comer: prato e copo de plástico ou metal, talheres (garfo, faca e colher);
- Material para dormir: saco de dormir, colchonete ou colchão, travesseiro se for usar, coberta, cobertor ou lençol (dependendo da temperatura);
- Material de higiene: toalha, sabonete, escova e creme dental, pente, papel higiênico;
- Sacolas plásticas para trazer a roupa suja ou molhada e o lixo produzido;
- Calçados: tênis e um par de chinelos.
- Roupas: meias, roupas íntimas, camisetas, bermudas, calças e agasalhos (leve ou pesado).
Além do material básico, dependendo do clima e dos dias de acampamento/acantonamento é necessário levar roupas e calçados reserva.
Dicas e regras:
1. Não utilize como mochila, sacolas plásticas ou sacos;
2. Evite levar suas coisas em várias mochilas pequenas;
3. Evite levar na sua mochila mais do que possa carregar;
4. Pendure do lado de fora da mochila o saco de dormir, cobertor e agasalho pesado somente se a mochila possui os dispositivos adequados. Não amarre com cordinhas ou fios;
5. Todos os materiais devem ser separados em sacolas plásticas, pois, além de ser mais higiênico e organizado, o material estará protegido em caso de sermos pego de surpresa por uma chuva;
6. Coloque cobertores, roupas e acolchoados na parte que fica nas costas, e objetos sólidos como pratos e copos, na parte oposta, para não machucar as costas durante a caminhada.
Packing a Backpack
On Saturday 18/06, to Akela has shown us how to fix the bag in a practical and safe for a camp or cantonment.
Basic material:
Material to eat, bowl and cup made of plastic or metal cutlery (fork, knife and spoon);
Material to sleep: sleeping bag, mat or mattress, pillow, if using, cover, blanket or sheet (depending on temperature);
Hygiene supplies, towels, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, toilet paper;
To bring plastic bags or wet laundry and waste produced;
Shoes: tennis shoes and a pair of slippers.
Clothing: socks, underwear, shirts, shorts, pants and jackets (light or heavy).
In addition to the base material, depending on the weather and day camping / cantonment is necessary to take clothes and shoes reservation.
Tips and rules:
1. Do not use as a backpack, plastic bags or bags;
2. Avoid taking your stuff in several small bags;
3. Avoid taking in your backpack so you can charge more;
4. Hang on the outside of the backpack sleeping bag, blanket and clothing only if the heavy backpack has the right devices. Do not tie with strings or wires;
5. All materials must be separated into plastic bags, because it is more hygienic and organized, the material will be protected in case of being caught out by rain;
6. Place blankets, clothes and quilts which is at the back, and solid objects such as plates and cups, on the opposite side, not to hurt your back while walking.
Packing a Backpack
On Saturday 18/06, to Akela has shown us how to fix the bag in a practical and safe for a camp or cantonment.
Basic material:
Material to eat, bowl and cup made of plastic or metal cutlery (fork, knife and spoon);
Material to sleep: sleeping bag, mat or mattress, pillow, if using, cover, blanket or sheet (depending on temperature);
Hygiene supplies, towels, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, comb, toilet paper;
To bring plastic bags or wet laundry and waste produced;
Shoes: tennis shoes and a pair of slippers.
Clothing: socks, underwear, shirts, shorts, pants and jackets (light or heavy).
In addition to the base material, depending on the weather and day camping / cantonment is necessary to take clothes and shoes reservation.
Tips and rules:
1. Do not use as a backpack, plastic bags or bags;
2. Avoid taking your stuff in several small bags;
3. Avoid taking in your backpack so you can charge more;
4. Hang on the outside of the backpack sleeping bag, blanket and clothing only if the heavy backpack has the right devices. Do not tie with strings or wires;
5. All materials must be separated into plastic bags, because it is more hygienic and organized, the material will be protected in case of being caught out by rain;
6. Place blankets, clothes and quilts which is at the back, and solid objects such as plates and cups, on the opposite side, not to hurt your back while walking.