On Saturday, Nov. 19, did a small exhibition of cacti and succulents that I collect. I am a member of-Mirim "Ajao, Agremiação Joinvilense de Amadores of Orchids." I have a nursery with more than 100 different plants, which I am researching and cataloging. I've already discovered the origin of many of them, the flowering period and the reason why some of my plants have not bloomed yet. Keep in touch with other collectors and get great tips from experts. I keep my tools organized labor, forceps, gloves, shovels, pots. Only lesmicidas fertilizers and are supervised by my mother, other tasks are on me.
Explicando para o grupo que o tamanho do vaso e o substrato influenciam tanto no crescimento quanto na floração dos cactos.
Explaining to the group that the size of the pot and the substrate influence both growth and flowering of the cactus.
Todo cacto é uma suculenta, porém nem toda suculenta é um cacto.
Every cactus is a succulent, but not every succulent is a cactus.
O que mais impressionou foi o tamanho e formas diferentes dos espinhos.
What impressed most was the size and shapes of spines.
Especialidade: Colecionador - nível 2 (Cactos e Suculentas)
Specialty: Collector - Level 2 (Cacti and Succulents)
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